Shipping – LNG Tanker
2 Babcock Marine Boilers
A LNG vessel, fitted with two Babcock Marine Boilers to generate steam to drive the propulsion and steam turbines, experienced heavy deposits in the Combustion and Radiant sections of the boilers.
After Therma-Chem Treatment
Therma-Chem’s MB9 was applied on-line on a pre-docking dosing programme for a period of 2 months to loosen deposits and neutralise the corrosive components prior to docking. The pictures on the right show the condition of the economiser before and after cleaning, highlighting the success of MB9 in removing and preventing sulphur corrosion.
The boiler load remained steady throughout the period while the economiser outlet temperature declined slightly, indicating that Therma-Chem were having a positive effect on the boiler.
The success of this treatment was evidenced in the clean and well-maintained surfaces within the Combustion and Radiant sections of the boiler and the reduced cleaning time when docked. This resulted in Therma-Chem being commissioned to treat a further 15 vessels.